Online Tutoring
We live in a blessed Era, where place and time are no more an obstacle to learn and be connected! For all it’s worth, internet have re-shaped on how we see the world around us, changed our processing systems in every life area. Education among other disciplines has been made reachable and universal.
Our culture is undergoing rapid changes, and many people around the world are searching for answers in popular opinion. But when it comes to talents, Artists are still the best coaches for an optimal performance. As developing the Artistic gift is inseparable from experience!
DooZhen Music Academy is ready to provide that professional yet artistic touch to your talent and the talent of your child. With a network of teachers from all over the world, we are teaching music around the clock.
Talents from America, Europe, Middle East, and Australia are joining DooZhen for a unique online Music experience.
Here’s how it works:
We provide 45 minutes or an hour of individual sessions (one-to-one). Tuitions is priced according to the session timing. Conditions and terms of online sessions are discussed prior to any commitment, as they involve internet speed, room lighting, and electronic devices…
We are coaching vocal talents and ‘Ūd players (Middle Eastern Luth) Click here to start your online tutoring.